Our student movement has had some incredible wins over the past few years - repowering hundreds of schools with clean energy, pressuring for political change, and helping thousands of young people get the skills to change the world.
Here’s just a few of the stories of our movement.
- Isra and her environment team from Wiley Park Girls High in Western Sydney led a campaign to repower their school after attending one of our summits - and ended up being successful in installing over 100kw of solar, LED lights and doubling the size of the enviro team in just a few months!
- Students in South Australia who are passionate about renewables in schools organised a meeting with the Minister for Education, as well as in-school campaigns and community actions on renewables, resulting in a $15 million committment from the South Australian government for solar and energy efficiency for over 100 high schools.
- Young people and high school students in the Latrobe Valley, a community transitioning away from coal, have been changing the conversation on climate change and energy, leading solutions by transitioning their schools and community to renewables